The Tyranny of Political Correctness
I am a white male that is nearly fifty years old. I was raised in an extremely liberal environment; so liberal that it bordered on the sociopathic. Having realized the error of my ways, I am now somewhat conservative.
The mere fact that I feel it necessary to preface this essay with explanatory, biographical data just goes to show how ridiculous political correctness has become. The PC Nazis have done more to curb free speech than Stalin. And what's really funny is that they don't even see the hypocrisy of their own positions.
I can no longer say that I prefer not to put my dick in another man's ass without being accused of being a bigot. A bigot? You're got to be fuckin' kidding me. As late as a few years ago, this behavior was still considered illegal in most states. And I don't want to hear a rationalization based on the idiocy of old "blue laws".
I can no longer like or dislike whom I please. I am now obligated to like, or pretend to like, everyone on the planet. This is not going to happen. In case you haven't looked around lately, the world is still filled with some pretty serious assholes.
I can no longer say mailman, chairman, fireman, etc. ( I'm confused here. Do I have to say madperson instead of madman? ) Now, we're changing the entire English language. Where the hell is this going to end?
I can no longer compliment a woman. This does not have to be crude comments about body parts. Merely saying that a woman looks good can be construed as sexual harassment. This has made courtship intensely difficult.
There is politeness. There is culture. Then there is political correctness.