Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Liberal Looks At 45

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom; for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough"

-William Blake

As I reach my mid-forties, I find that the wild liberalism of my youth has evolved into quiet conservatism. I have seen what the "road of excess" can lead to. It's not a pretty picture. Alcoholism, drug abuse, HIV, nervous breakdowns and divorce are just a few of the consequences.

As a father I've come to realize what I put my own parents through. If they were still alive, I'd have some serious amends to make. We're all geinuses at 14, right? Mark Twain said it best: "When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."

Youth is a time for exploring and testing boundaries. The envelope gets pushed a little farther with each generation. I don't want to dwell on the gay thing, but 25 years ago it was not as blatantly displayed as it is today. (Closets were crowded) Kids in high school are now proudly announcing that they are gay. What's next? Human sacrifices?

I know I come across as preachy. This is not my goal. (I hated that crap as a kid) I just think that the foundation for a happy, productive life was set a long time ago by people way smarter than me. Who am I to question years of trial and error?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I've walked through the dens of some very successful people and have observed the books on their shelves. They are not filled with the works of Spinoza, Satre, or Hegel. My conclusion is that intense introspection will fuck you up in the real world.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Ever notice how the biggest jerks in the world are the one's always talking about karma? I guess they hope we buy into the concept and not retaliate against them. How do you even rationalize karma with child molestation and murder being so prevalent? Major disgressions in a past life? At this point I want to revert to my south Chicago upbringing and simply say: " Motherfucker, please!" Of course, I'd never consider saying: "motherfucker" in an essay immediately following a composition in which I quoted the bible. It might confuse people.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


With it’s increasing acceptance by a large segment of our society, the issue of homosexuality has put many of us in sort of cognitive dissonance. I find myself in that group. One part of me believes that the freedom to pick one’s sexual partner, (providing that they are of legal age), should not be impeded by any social or legal restraints. Another part of me feels that it is wrong; that not only is it against God, it is against nature. God, mother nature, evolution-whatever you believe in-seems to have had a plan when men were given a penis and women were given a vagina. They are pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly. Why put a square peg in a round hole?

I consider myself a Christian, (albeit not a very good one), but am by no means a bible thumper. However, I have read the book on several occasions and it is very clear on the subject of “alternative lifestyles”. Leviticus 20:13 states: “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them”. Serious dissonance occurred when I first read that. I’ve met some fine people who just happened to be gay. (No, I didn’t have sex with them.) Some of the most talented people I’ve ever met have been. Hell, half of Hollywood seems to be homosexual these days. Do I think these people should be put to death? Hell no! Thus, I’m schizophrenic on the subject.

Whether one is born with this disposition or has acquired it is a topic I’m not conflicted about. I believe it is learned behavior. I once had a serious argument with someone on this point. They insisted that they were gay from the moment of conception. I obviously disagreed. I don’t believe God, (mother nature for you atheists), makes mistakes.

Undoubtedly, this essay will piss off a few people. I make no apologies. We live in a society that very effectively blurs the line between moral and immoral behavior. You sometimes have to take an unpopular stand.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Information technology has streamlined the process of achieving one's "fifteen minutes". Today if one wishes to leave a piece of themselves, they no longer have to be an author or an actor. Now, and for quite some time, it has been as easy as setting up a webpage. An even simplier option has been to set up a blog. My choice is simple.

What am I going to write about? I'm not exactly sure. Spiritual matters? Maybe. Sociology? Probably. Finance? Once again, probably. I don't claim to be an expert on anything. These entries will merely be "off the cuff" observations.

In closing, I'd like to make a preemptive apology. I haven't done any serious writing in a while. My initial themes may be a little rough. Bear with me. They should get better. Just think of this as a very clumsy, adolescent introduction.